Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thing 23 - Survey

Survey complete! Thanks again NEFLIN for a fantastic program.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thing 22 – Staying Current

23 Thing was interesting. I did use some tools I was not aware of and I revisited a few tools a bit more in depth than I had in the past. I would definitely say I came out of this experience a bit more “wise” in the ways of 2.0.

I still claim “fill in the blank” 2.0 is a marketing tool.

But I won’t deny that there is an audience out there and that we need to make our presence known. I still stand by my claim that in doing this we need to be careful that we do not neglect our existing service levels. Twopointotopians are merely one aspect of our market and Libraries need to ensure they promote and provide outreach to all of their clients. We should not do 2.0 because it’s a bandwagon everyone is jumping on, but rather because we have identified a clear group of individuals that require service.

Will I continue to blog after this? Doubtful, but if I do, it will be under a new super secret blog that will not identify me to friends, co-workers and family. This way I can be blunt and give my honest opinion J

I don’t know that I’ve ever really been “behind” with regards to 2.0 tools. I read a lot of different news services and stay in touch with friends in the industry, so I have ways of getting information. I RSS info that is appealing to me, so I don’t worry about falling behind.

It’s been fun! Thanks for the great learning experience NEFLIN!